
🔎 How it works?

⭐ Validator APY

The APY calculations consist of two core steps:

1. Gathering of the Pending Emission data

Every 360 blocks (~72 minutes), we gather following data for all validators:

  • - current total stake
  • - emission generated in the last 360 blocks

To calculate the emission for each validator, we use the following equation:

n=current blockn = current\ block
PHE=PendingHotkeyEmissionPHE = PendingHotkeyEmission
emission=(PHEnPHEn360)validator take rateemission = (PHE_n - PHE_{n - 360}) - validator\ take\ rate

If in the last 360 blocks there was an emission drain event, we calculate the current emission as follows:

emission=(PHEdrain block1PHEn360+PHEn)validator take rateemission = (PHE_{drain\ block - 1} - PHE_{n - 360} + PHE_n) - validator\ take\ rate

2. APY calculation

The APY for the selected time period (1h, 24h, 7d, 30d) is calculated using all the emission data gathered in a given time period and the exact formula for the calculation is as follows:

annual compounding periods=ACP=365days=365annual\ compounding\ periods = ACP = 365 days = 365
total period yield=i=data pointperiod data pointsemissioni/stakeitotal\ period\ yield = \sum_{i=data\ point}^{period\ data\ points} {emission_i / stake_i}
daily yield=total period yield/days in a perioddaily\ yield = total\ period\ yield / days\ in\ a\ period
Staking APY=[(1+daily yield)ACP]1Staking\ APY = \Bigl[(1 + daily\ yield)^{ACP}\Bigr] - 1

On top of this, the APY is calculated only if the validator has been active for at least 80% of the time in the selected time period.

⭐ Wallet staking yield

The wallet yield feature showcases how much Tao a given wallet would earn in a selected period if the validator APY stayed the same throughout the period.

This is calculated by the following formula:

yield=wallet stake[[(Staking APY+1)selected period length in hours/(36524)]1]yield = wallet\ stake * \Biggl[\Bigl[(Staking\ APY + 1) ^ {selected\ period\ length\ in\ hours / (365 * 24)}\Bigr] - 1\Biggr]
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